Heat Waves

Happy Summer! What are ways we can show our love for our planet?

Below is from the Carbon Almanac :

The ‘official’ start to summer is June 20th in the Northern hemisphere though it seems that the heat of the season has arrived earlier. 

There is a heat dome happening in North America with the mercury reaching temperatures that normally are seen later in the season. In addition, Delhi India recently broke temperature records with a new record of 49.9 degrees Celsius (121.8 degrees Fahrenheit). The previous record was 49.2 degrees Celsius (120.5 degrees Fahrenheit), which happened just two years ago.

High temperatures are particularly problematic for senior citizens as the body doesn’t cool down as easily. By mid century, about 20% of the world’s population will be over 60. If you are 35 years or older now, you are included in that number. Another vulnerable group are the unhoused. 

Human actions are causing climate change which in turn is causing more extreme heat waves. Which can also lead to conditions for forest fires. 

Want to help? Here are some ideas for action.   

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