Resolutions You Can Keep

Bring your own reusable bag
Bring your own reusable bag
Easy Resolutions You Can Keep
*Shop with washable reusable shopping bags.
*Recycle all electronics
*Purchase products that have a minimum of packaging, and also recyclable packaging.
*Composting food scraps can cut waste in your home by 30%
*Use both cloth napkins and washable rags instead of paper products
*Use a water bottle and reduce your use of single use plastic.
*When shopping bring refillable containers and bags to reduce plastic bag consumption, and recycle all clean plastic bags.
*Never use Styrofoam products!
*Recycle everything possible and set up recycling baskets near your trash containers throughout your home and office. for recycle locations if you lack curbside pick up.
*Keep a bag in your car to collect recycling from road trips or fast food, but patronize restaurants that use real dishes and cups.
Good Luck, and Happy 2013!

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