November on Lake Superior

Yogi Berra on November: “It’s getting late earlier”


Strong winds dominate, as winds and waves pound the lake’s sandstone cliffs.  The sun sets at 4:28pm and sunny days are few.

The eagle white pine
The eagle white pine

2 adult eagle have a favorite pine tree in front of our house where they perch to watch the beautiful lake. The chickadees, nuthatches, gold finch and squirrels are gorging for the months ahead. I scatter milkweed, aster, hyssop, vervain and cone flower seeds as I dream of the pollinators we will see in the summer.

A large young buck walks the road and I tell him to go hide in the woods because it is hunting season.  Later, three hunters jump out of their truck and shoot rifles from the road near signs prohibiting firearm shooting.  In the direction of their shots live 2 houses of children. They are grouse hunting and the sheriff tells us that grouse hunters can shoot from the middle of gravel roads, but what about those of us who live here and desire safe peaceful outdoor time? Yes, we can live together, but all need to follow the rules, and respect everyone’s outdoor space.