A Special Hundred Years, Celebrate!

A wise pelican near the Everglades
A wise pelican, the Everglades
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
In the Everglades
In the Everglades

Happy 100th Birthday to Our National Parks!  Many of us have vivid memories of visits to our national parks.  Our parks are for the common good of all, and are an important function of government. National parks represent The United States in history, culture, diversity, beauty and lots of fun! As citizens we need to make sure they are funded and cared for.  Always be leery of politicians who are going to cut your taxes. That money is often from programs that are for the good of everyone, like parks. Only Congress can create national parks.  Tell your congressman how important they are and to please fund them.

I love this article by Jillian Mackenzie “Europe has cathedrals. We have national parks,” said Stephen Saunders, neatly capturing the significance of these 59 national treasures, which include important monuments as well as parklands. But as we honor their majesty we must also recognize and address the biggest threats to our natural versions of Notre Dame.  Read the entire article.

So what are you waiting for?  Grab your walking shoes, a reusable water bottle, sun screen and visit a park near you. Happy Birthday, National Parks!


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