Love Our Earth


“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find resources of strength that will endure as long as life lasts” — Rachel Carson

This land is your land, this land is my land! In honor of Earth Day this Friday, April 22, wpid-wp-1423799335727.jpegmake a resolution to do one thing new for our earth. Pledge to use your reusable water bottle, use reusable shopping bags, turn off lights and electronics, plant native plants and milkweed, and walk more and drive less. It makes a big difference if everyone does just a small part!

Get outside and Enjoy!

Our Earth Looks Very Fragile!

The Earth’s atmosphere “looks very, very fragile” and “like something that we need to take care of.” Scott Kelly


Scott Kelly returns from the space station on March 1, after spending 365 days in space. He spoke on CNN about his year in space and what he has observed.  See his CNN interview below:

Looking for Love?

Need a new love? Looking for passion? wpid-wp-1423799335727.jpeg

Show compassion and become passionate about our earth.  Valentines Day 2015 lets show just a little more love for the earth that nourishes and supports us and everything living thing.

My suggestions for Loving the Earth today and tomorrow and forever.

Reduce your plastic use and always bring reusable shopping bags

Recycle, Recycle and Recycle some more

Turn off lights and electronics

Buy Less and reuse what you have

Pick Up trash and litter. Any loose litter can end up in streams, lakes and oceans

Walk and use public transit.  How many days can you go without a car?

Appreciate the beauty of the earth

Plant seeds of milkweed, cone flowers, bee balm, asters, and Liatris to bring butterflies birds and bees to your yard.  And never use chemicals.

Happy Valentines Day