February Challenges

The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and compassion and humor and style and generosity and kindness.”
— Maya Angelou

red heart
Listen to people, smile and connect

Happy February, the days are longer, it will warm up this month and the celebration of Valentines Day! It is exciting that after almost a year some schools are going back to in-person learning. The challenge of many this month is to get vaccinated from COVID, and I wish you luck!

February is also important for Black History Month. How can we all work for a more just and equitable world?

The Action For Happiness calendar follows with ideas to challenge you to stay connected. Lets all renew some friendships, and challenge ourselves to spend more healthy time outside.

Make February a good month, and live it with passion!

Ten Days of Love

Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.” Francis Moore Lappe

Love our earth

What better week than Valentine’s week to show love for our earth. Take the 10 for 10 challenge. Can you score a perfect 10 by completing these initiatives? Maybe you already do these things? Take a breath, slow down and think how you can positively make a difference. It’s easy, and I hope you learn something. Let me know how you do. Good luck!

Day 1 Go meatless, extra points if you also go vegan!

Day 2 Go plastic-free, no straws, plastic utensils, water bottles or containers, unless of course they are reusable.

Day 3, Reuse Day. Bring your lunch in a reusable containers, and remember your

Bring your own water bottle

reusable water bottle.

Day 4, Leave your car parked day. Walk, bike, car-pool or use public transit.

Day 5, Take a walk day. Enjoy the outside as you walk, listen for birds, the wind, water? What nature sounds do you hear?

White-throated sparrow

Day 6, Water-Use Day. Become aware every time you use water. Is there a way you can reduce your water use?

Day 7, Cut Food-waste Day, Clean out left-overs and produce. Make a soup, a stir fry or wraps with your left-overs.

Day 8, Chemical-Free Day. Use vinegar and baking soda for cleaning, and shop for organic produce. Read about chemicals and air pollution here.

Day 9, Reusable-cup day. Bring your re-usable cup to the coffee shop, to meetings, and to work.

Day 10, Gratitude. Be thankful for our beautiful planet. What was the best thing about the past week? Could you complete 10 for 10?

Happy Valentine’s Day

wpid-wp-1423799335727.jpegValentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite days, and this year we need to clear our heads and celebrate harder than ever. We all can find something to love. Because I have a passion for our earth.  My suggestions are about loving the earth.  What do you love??

My suggestions for loving the earth today, tomorrow and forever.

Reduce your plastic use and always bring reusable shopping bags

Recycle, Recycle, and Recycle some more

Turn off lights and electronics

Buy Less and reuse what you have

Pick Up trash and litter. Any litter can end up in streams, lakes and oceans

Walk and use public transit.  How many days can you go without a car?

Appreciate the beauty of the earth

Plant seeds of milkweed, cone flowers, bee balm, asters, and Liatris to bring butterflies birds and bees to your yard.  And never use chemicals
Happy Valentine’s Day wp-1455333450127.jpeg

And from Climate Reality, 25 ways to show the love 

Looking for Love?

Need a new love? Looking for passion? wpid-wp-1423799335727.jpeg

Show compassion and become passionate about our earth.  Valentines Day 2015 lets show just a little more love for the earth that nourishes and supports us and everything living thing.

My suggestions for Loving the Earth today and tomorrow and forever.

Reduce your plastic use and always bring reusable shopping bags

Recycle, Recycle and Recycle some more

Turn off lights and electronics

Buy Less and reuse what you have

Pick Up trash and litter. Any loose litter can end up in streams, lakes and oceans

Walk and use public transit.  How many days can you go without a car?

Appreciate the beauty of the earth

Plant seeds of milkweed, cone flowers, bee balm, asters, and Liatris to bring butterflies birds and bees to your yard.  And never use chemicals.

Happy Valentines Day